Loud moaning petite teenager Trixy admires a strong willed man

58431   December 21, 2023
anonymous | 15 subscribers
58431   December 21, 2023
Take her innocence. Use her at your beckoned call. She has read the books, oh powerful one. Read them many times. She knows now that this is what she requires. Grab her, twist her at your command. Take this innocent slut and utilize her as you require her. Let her imbibe every drop that comes from you. Make her consume the very core of you. Humiliate her in front of your professor friends, like a teenage girl desires you to do. Play with her in front of them. Cover her body with a million touches, a million probes. She sits here in the back of the room, knowing you know about her. Caught her with her book. Picked it up off the floor. She knew that you would not shun her the way others might. Take her, this submissive girl begs you. Teach her, reveal to her what only the minority will begin to see

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